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Art Direction
„We make people feel comfortable at home and while traveling.“ is the guiding principle of the JAB Anstoetz Group. With this, they make a clear statement that they express not only in their company, but also in their communication.
We have been accompanying the JAB Anstoetz Group as a creative agency for almost 10 years. The JAB brand is internationally established, which is also reflected in its communication: high-quality, durable and contemporary modern interior design by JAB Anstoetz in cooperation with P8.
We work with international photographers, agencies and locations in order to meet the demands and values of the target audience.
The JAB Anstoetz Group focuses on quality and attention to detail in its interior design. It works with renowned stylists to perfectly match each piece of furniture, accessory and fabric to the individual locations and to set the scene. It is important that the interior design touches the senses of the viewer and creates an emotional connection. From curtains to rugs, every detail is carefully selected and arranged to create a harmonious and appealing overall look. So it's not just about creating good-looking furnishings, but also about ensuring that they appeal to the senses and create an atmosphere that matches the values and brand of the JAB Anstoetz Group.
we have been supporting the JAB Anstoetz Group For almost 10 years and established the brand internationally. high-quality interior design communication is implemented by us with precision and innovation - our customer is enthusiastic about our professional work.